
Showing posts from 2013

How to Prevent Cancer

Hi Guys I wanted to share this article I got from a website in the internet. Hope it will help us live healthy lives Happy New Year everyone and God bless! AFTER YEARS OF TELLING PEOPLE CHEMOTHERAPY IS THE ONLY WAY TO TRY AND ELIMINATE CANCER, JOHNS HOPKINS IS FINALLY STARTING TO TELL YOU THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY … 1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not sho w up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. 2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime. 3. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors. 4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These cou

Give the Gift of Health and Long Life This Christmas!

Hi Friends!    I would like to give to you a gift suggestion that you can give to yourself, to your friends and to your love ones this Christmas season!   Post by Ronald Frias . To learn more about this great product watch this video To order, please click the link below: So why not give the gift of health and long life to your friends and love ones This Christmas Merry Christmas friends!  Stay healthy wealthy and wise! God bless! Ron

60% Forex Welcome Bonus

60% Welcome Bonus Hi friends!   Great day to everyone!   I would like to share this exciting promo that we have for you right now.  I am an introducing broker and part of IronFX Global I been trading and teaching people how to trade.  This is a very profitable source of income if you know how to trade. IronFX Global is thrilled to present our special 60% Welcome Bonus valid for the month of December. With the aim of showing our veritable appreciation to our new and existing clients, what better way to end the Year ,than to offer an outstanding promotion? Deposit Now and get a 60% Welcome Trading Bonus of up to $ 4,500. Bonus on all deposits UP to $4,500 Zero charges apply on all deposits and withdrawals The 60% Welcome Bonus will run from the 1st of December so make sure that you deposit on time to take full advantage of this outstanding promotion! IronFX wishes you Solid Trading ! Here is in introductory article why you should consider trading forex

Do You Want Something Better?

Hi guys! It's Tuesday here in this part of the globe but I want to share Network Marketing Pro Author, Eric Worre's  Monday  Facebook Status: "I feel sorry for people who have to return to a job that doesn't make them happy because they haven't found anything better. I feel proud of the people who work for someone else to pay the bills and then come home and continue to work on their future through a Network Marketing business. And I feel blessed to have thousands of friends around the world who have successfully escaped the rat race and are able to live their dreams through Network Marketing full-time. Network Marketing isn't perfect. But it sure is better." There is really something better out there!   And this is what I wanted to share with you today! Have you heard about Jeunesse ( A french word that means: YOUTH)  This Global Online Business I am doing  is an anti-aging company that is now REDEFINING YOUTH!   I am with this company becaus

Ano Daw? Deaf Awareness Week 2013

Ano Daw? Deaf Awareness Week 2013 Dateline: Nov 20, 2013 at Thai Bistro Robinsons Magnolia Mall. “Ano Daw?” is a media event with Better Hearing Philippines, St Luke’s Medical Center Quezon City, UST McAudio Department and in partnership with GlaxoSmithKline that culminates the Medical Mission held at Brgy Dona Imelda Quezon City. The day was filled with activities participated by both hearing and hearing disabled individuals, parents, educator, and service providers, all collaborating to empower the deaf community and raise awareness on hearing impairment. This event is accordance with the late president Corazon Aquino’s Proclamation No. 829 declaring the second week of November of every year as Deaf Awareness Week. The yearly celebration of Deaf Awareness Week recognizes the need to focus on public awareness on hearing impairment. It also centers on the vision of transforming the hearing impaired community as an immutable force in society. During the media e
Why Trade Forex? FOREX NEVER SLEEPS Online forex trading has become very popular in the past decade because it offers traders several advantages: Trading goes on all around the world during different countries' business hours. You can, therefore, trade major currencies at any time, 24 hours per day. Since there are no set exchange hours, it means that there is also something happening at almost any time of the day or night. 1 GO LONG OR SHORT Unlike many other financial markets, where it can be difficult to sell short, there are no limitations on shorting currencies. If you think a currency will go up, buy it. If you think it will fall, sell it. This means there is no such thing as a "bear market" in forex - you can make (or lose) money any time. LOW TRADING COSTS Most forex accounts trade without a commission and there are no expensive exchange fees or data licenses. The cost of trading is the spread between the buy price and the sell price, which is al

What Is Your Plan For The Future?

Hi Friends Here is a message from the company that I am promoting Enjoy reading! :) What is your plan for the future? Residual income is the only way to build true financial security that lasts. You can build that residual income with GBG. Our copyrighted compensation plan pays you 7 different ways. We are backed by a soli d 17 years of being in business. We are here to stay. We are here to grow. We are here for you and your financial future. And our goal for you is simple. Pay you fast and pay you well! GBG pays out more money to its distributors from every sale than any other company. That’s because GBG’s owners are first and foremost Network Marketers - not corporate suits. They know that without you – the distributor, they have nothing. They get paid from the exact same pay plan as everyone else, so there is no "us" and "them." When the Founder gets a raise, everyone else does too! GBG’s copyrighted Pay Points are a completely original concept to Network Mark

The Only Supplement I Take Everyday!

Hi friends! This is just a quick blog about the only vitamin and mineral formula I take everyday And I just wanted to share to you the benefits I get from it So try and order yours today by clicking the link below: Pls feel free to send me a message on my email if you need more information You can also check our GBG blog at And this is also a great way to earn extra income as you share the benefits of this great product! Thank you and I hope you will try this product and continue to find ways to be healthy everyday!

Helping People Succeed is Our Mission!

Helping People Succeed is Our Mission! Let me just share with you why I am with GBG. More than a decade ago I was introduced to the Networking Industry.  And because I want to reach my goals and help as many people along the way that I gave it my best shot.  But I did not become  successful nor was I able to help my friends succeed.  So I said maybe this is not for me and ignored any networking business that came my way.  Until recently that I was introduced to this  great company and heard from Stuart Finger our founder the company's mission statement which is the video you can view below.  After checking the prices of the products  and the copyrighted compensation plan,  I became convinced that I have found the right company to work with.   Only a few months of doing this business and I am on my way to realizing the financial freedom I desire while helping my friends become healthy and earn too.      Last month there was a contest and I won 2nd

Join Our Inner Circle Rippln Now!

Join our inner circle... A ripple is about to start... Have you ever shared an app or a game with someone...? What if you could get paid for that? We are close to launching a new company that will track the things you share and make sure you get paid... Check it out here: Lock in your account now and get ready for the ride of your life! Thanks Ronaldo Frias P.S. If you're curious, feel free to ask me any questions. I'll share as much as I know... but this is going to move FAST, so don't wait.  Get in the Ripple now:

Himig ng Kalinga - Music As Therapy For Sick Children

From l - r:  Dr Joeslyn Eusebio,  Celeste Sanches and  Barbie Dapul I was invited last Wednesday July 3 at Dusit Thani Hotel,  to attend "Himig ng Kalinga"  - an advocacy event.   Dr Joselyn C. Eusebio a internationally recognized Filipino Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician together with Celeste Sanchez, the mother of Philippine Music Therapy talked about the benefits and effects of music in improving health and healing.  Dr. Eusebio, told the audience that according to the American Music Association, music therapy is an interpersonal process in which the the therapist uses music and all of its facets-physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic and spiritual to help clients to improve or maintain their health.  She traced the practice of using music as early as 400 BC when  Hippocrates, a Greek physician played music for his mental patients. While the most extensive use of music in general hospitals appeared during the first half of the 20th century.  Th

New Social Network Launching Bigger than Facebook

This could be bigger than Facebook! New social network launching... (bigger than Facebook!) If you could have been part of Facebook... I’ve been working behind the scenes on a new social network that’s about to launch. It’s already growing at the speed of Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest! You have to see the concept to understand why. But once you get it, you’ll see this could change your life forever. Check it out here… Watch the video and then create your account. I can’t tell you too much more until you're inside, so create your free account now then let me know and I can explain how it all works! Thanks, Ronaldo Frias P.S. Almost 900,000 people have already joined, and it hasn’t even gone live yet! Come see what all of the buzz is about:

Signs That You're Vitamin-Deficient

Weird signs that prove you’re vitamin-deficient Hi friends, here is an article from that I would like to share with you so you would now if you are vitamin-deficient.  I also would like to share what I am taking to get my daily nutritional needs. Enjoy reading! :) We live in a world where convenience is a necessity, not considered a luxury. Cell phones are strapped to our wrists, our bank accounts are accessed with a plastic card, and breakfast, lunch and dinner are attainable within a matter of 4-5 minutes via the drive thru. Is it any wonder so many people are diagnosed day after day as vitamin deficient? And we’re not talking about one or two vitamins — the list of common vitamin & mineral deficiencies are sometimes dozens long! But it’s not like our bodies aren’t trying to tell us about it!  “With today’s diet of processed foods, it’s easy to become vitamin-deficient, either by not eating enough of the right foods or not absorbing them properly due

The Benefits of Wisdom

Hi friends and readers of my blog living healthy wealthy and wise!  I would like to share a chapter with you  from the book of Proverbs on the benefits of  living wisely:   The Benefits of Wisdom 2  My child, [ a ]  listen to what I say,      and treasure my commands. 2  Tune your ears to wisdom,      and concentrate on understanding. 3  Cry out for insight,      and ask for understanding. 4  Search for them as you would for silver;      seek them like hidden treasures. 5  Then you will understand what it means to fear the  Lord ,      and you will gain knowledge of God. 6  For the  Lord  grants wisdom!      From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. 7  He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.      He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. 8  He guards the paths of the just      and protects those who are faithful to him. 9  Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair,      and you will find the right way to go. 10  For wisdom will enter yo