Signs That You're Vitamin-Deficient

Weird signs that prove you’re vitamin-deficient

Hi friends, here is an article from that I would like to share with you so you would now if you are vitamin-deficient.  I also would like to share what I am taking to get my daily nutritional needs. Enjoy reading! :)
We live in a world where convenience is a necessity, not considered a luxury. Cell phones are strapped to our wrists, our bank accounts are accessed with a plastic card, and breakfast, lunch and dinner are attainable within a matter of 4-5 minutes via the drive thru. Is it any wonder so many people are diagnosed day after day as vitamin deficient? And we’re not talking about one or two vitamins — the list of common vitamin & mineral deficiencies are sometimes dozens long!
But it’s not like our bodies aren’t trying to tell us about it! 
“With today’s diet of processed foods, it’s easy to become vitamin-deficient, either by not eating enough of the right foods or not absorbing them properly due to digestive issues,” says Dr. Susan Blum, the founder of the Blum Center for Health and the author of the new book The Immune System Recovery Plan. “You may not get a disease, but you can end up with impaired functioning, because vitamins are co-factors for all the biochemical reactions in the body. We need them in order to function properly.”
That impaired functioning can sometimes manifest in mysterious ways. Here’s a list of weird signs that your body is vitamin or mineral deficient.
Body Talk # 1: Cracks at the corners of your mouth.
The Deficiency: Iron, zinc, and B vitamins like niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), and B12. “It’s common if you’re a vegetarian to not get enough iron, zinc, and B12,” Blum says. Ditto if you’re skimping on essential immunity-building protein due to dieting.

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Body Talk #2: Red or white acne-like bumps, typically on the cheeks, arms, thighs, and butt.
The Deficiency: Essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D.

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Body Talk #3: Tingling, prickling, and numbness in hands, feet, or elsewhere.
The Deficiency: B vitamins like folate (B9), B6, and B12. “It’s a problem directly related to the peripheral nerves and where they end in the skin,” says Blum, noting that these symptoms can be combined with anxiety, depression, anemia, fatigue, and hormone imbalances.

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Body Talk #4: Crazy muscle cramps in the form of stabbing pains in toes, calves, arches of feet, and backs of legs.
The Deficiency: Magnesium, calcium, and potassium. “If it’s happening frequently, it’s a tip-off that you’re lacking in these,” Blum says. And if you’re training hard, you can lose more minerals (and water-soluble B vitamins) through heavy sweating.

GBG’s 10-in-One Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Super Formula is the perfect solution to most vitamin deficiencies. With its TEN formulas, you can’t find a better solution that’s as affordable.

The TEN Formulas Include:
  • Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Formula
  • Cardiovascular Formula
  • Anti-Stress Formula
  • Super-Antioxidant Formula
  • Immune Enhancer Formula
  • Memory & Mood Enhancing Formula
  • Energizer Formula
  • Digestive Aid Formula
  • Bone & Joint Formula
  • Vision Support Formula
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