
Showing posts from 2018

Make way for the Country's Biggest Natural Lipstick Flash Sale!

Hi Friends! In a world where makeup is designed to be a cover up, we feel differently. We believe that your natural beauty is meant to be showcased, not concealed. That's why we carefully concocted our lipsticks to both care for and bring out your best smile yet. Make way for the Country's Biggest Natural Lipstick Flash Sale! Our 100% natural, cruelty-free, smooth and moisturizing lipsticks nourish your lips while giving you an array of flattering shades to choose from. When it comes to a good lippie, you know it's a keeper when it can do both. Paint the town 'natural' with Human Nature's Nationwide Natural Lipstick Day sale on July 26 to 28, 2018.  Shop now! Thank you and please feel free to share  

Instant Drop Shipping Business

Hi Friends! Do you want an online drop shipping business where there is no inventory and the company gives you a very excellent website for a very minimum one time fee and they ship your customers' orders for you? Visit my link to know more about the company that makes 100% Natural health and beauty products Pro-poor, Pro-environment and Pro-Philippines! Visit and sign up here: Here are the sales promo for this month: Thank you very much Dont hesistate to message me for more information and qustions God bless! :)

Great Summer Deals

Hi friends! I would like to inform you of these great summer deals from Human Heart Nature - All natural organic locally sourced pro-poor and pro-environment products Now you can order online and have it delivered at your doorstep Order here Thank you very much and God bless everyone! 

New Products, Discount Code and Human Nature Website

Hi guys!  It's been 5 months since I joined Here are new products I have posted today And I also got a discount code for new customers Get P80 OFF on your first purchase from our store! Use the promo code below Click this link to go straight to our store. Kindly share to your friends also. Thank you and God bless! And in addition I also joined a socio-entrepreneur business that is pro-Philippines pro-poor and pro-environment.  Last week they gave us dealers an online website so we can better service our clients and also attract more would-be-members Here is my link Thank you for reading my blog and hope that you visit and give my products a try. And if you are in the Philippines you can use my promo code and also order Human Nature products right in the comfort of your own home.

"You Can Change Someone's Life in 3 Minutes With The Right Song"

That is a quote from Bruce Springsteen. Here's an excerpt of an interview where I got it: When asked what he means when he says his covenant with his audience depends on honesty, he replies without pause, without any errs or urrms, in a single perfect paragraph, that requires not one piece of tidying in the transcription: “I guess we come out and deliver the straight dope to our crowd as best we can. It’s coming on stage with the idea: OK, well the stakes that are involved this evening are quite high. I don’t know exactly who’s in the crowd. But I know that my life was changed in an instant by something that people thought was purely junk – pop music records. And you can change someone’s life in three minutes with the right song. I still believe that to this day. You can bend the course of their development, what they think is important, of how vital and alive they feel. You can contextualize very, very difficult experiences. Songs are pretty good at that. So all

Living Wisely

Hi friends! In our pursuit of gaining wisdom, let me share what the book of James has to say about how we can live wisely: (quite a long read but it's worth it!) :) James 1 :1-12The Voice (VOICE) 1 James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, to the twelve tribes of Israel who are spread across the earth: I send you my warmest welcome! 2-4 Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing. 5 If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking. Wisdom, as James understands it

Breaking Mental Roadblocks to Fulfill Our New Year's Resolutions

Hi Friends! Day 4 of 2018 How are you all doing?  By now I think most of us have made our New Year's resolution I got this worksheet for you to help us destroy our mental roadblocks that zap our energy into fulfilling our goals for 2018 Below is a 4-step process to push past your mental limitations and into a positive mindset.  choose one of your mental roadblocks, then explain how you can apply each step. Step 1:  Identify why you need a change. Step 2:  Get rid of feelings not in harmony with your goal. Step 3:  Write down positive experiences. Step 4:  Remind yourself of step 1. After you’ve filled out the attached worksheet, frequently reference it. This will help you achieve your hardest resolutions in 2018! To your success in 2018!  Live Well Club Message me and request for the worksheet Thank you! Just subscribe to my blog here or join our FB page here:  Join! Breaking Down Mindset Barriers Mental Roadblocks And Achieve Your Re

Let's Press On!

Hi Friends!  Day 2 of  2018 How have you been doing? Philippinas 3:7-14  is the Bible passage that Our Daily Bread has for us today and I am reading a new translation to give me fresh eyes as I read these familiar passage. I am also writing some of my observations which I would like to share with you today. Philippians 3:7-14 The Voice (VOICE) The Voice  (VOICE) 7  But whatever I used to count as my greatest accomplishments, I’ve written them off as a loss because of the Anointed One.  8  And more so, I now realize that all I gained  and thought was important  was nothing but yesterday’s garbage compared to knowing the Anointed Jesus my Lord. For Him I have thrown everything aside —it’s nothing but a pile of waste— so that I may gain Him.  9  When it counts,  I want to be found belonging to Him, not clinging to my own righteousness based on law, but actively relying on the faithfulness of the Anointed One.  This is true  righteousness, supplied by God, acquired b