Breaking Mental Roadblocks to Fulfill Our New Year's Resolutions

Hi Friends!

Day 4 of 2018 How are you all doing? 
By now I think most of us have made our New Year's resolution
I got this worksheet for you to help us destroy our mental roadblocks that zap our energy into fulfilling our goals for 2018

Below is a 4-step process to push past your mental limitations and into a positive mindset.  choose one of your mental roadblocks, then explain how you can apply each step.
Step 1: Identify why you need a change.
Step 2: Get rid of feelings not in harmony with your goal.
Step 3: Write down positive experiences.
Step 4: Remind yourself of step 1.
After you’ve filled out the attached worksheet, frequently reference it. This will help you achieve your hardest resolutions in 2018!

To your success in 2018!

 Live Well Club

Message me and request for the worksheet Thank you! Just subscribe to my blog here or join our FB page here: 

Breaking Down Mindset Barriers Mental Roadblocks And Achieve
Your Resolutions.
Where do you think you would be if you did not have mental limitations? What could you achieve?
List your mental limitations below. What are the limits you frequently face in your thoughts? With each limit, consider
how it impacts your actions and your success. Use the chart below to record your responses.
Limitation How does this limitation impact your work, your life, or your success?
Why is it important to acknowledge these limitations?
What positive thoughts can you replace with these limitations?
Breaking Down Mindset Barriers Mental Roadblocks And Achieve
Your Resolutions.
Below is a 4-step process to push past your mental limitations and into a positive mindset. Explain how you can apply
each step to one of the mental limitations you identified previously.
Step 1:
Identify Why You Need
A Change
Step 2:
Get Rid of Feelings
Not In Harmony With
Your Goal
Step 3:
Write Down Positive
Step 4:
Remind Yourself
Of Step 1



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