Sing To Him a New Song!

Hi Friends!

How are you?  I would like to share one of my bible readings with you today and the insight I got from it and from the guide I am using. I am a musician, and serves as a choir conductor so this passage is very meaningful to me.  Read on and hope you get valuable insights too! 

"Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with a shout of joy!" Psalm 33:3
The psalmist is talking about worship. Worship should have freshness to it, it should be done with skill and with great joy! How do we capture that kind of worship? Where do we get our new song?
We get new songs from several sources:

1. From God's word - "For the word of the Lord is right: Psalm 33:4 He gives us new insights from His word, and that gives us a new song for us to sing about.
2.From God's work - For the word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in truth. He loves righteousness and justice;the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord: Ps 33:4,5 It is very easy for us to see unrighteousness and injustice but the psalmist saw God's righteousness and justice in the world. So open your eyes and look around you. See the wonderful new things God is doing. That's another new song we can sing about!
3. Finally we get new songs From our walk with the Lord. When we go through new experiences and new challenges, God gives us new victories. Then we have a new song to sing!
Lord, may we have the desire to have freshness in our worship, May we want fervor and freshness in our witness for You. Lord we want You to do something new in our lives, so that we can sing a new song to You.
Paraphrased/excerpt from Prayer, Praise and Promises - A Daily walk Through the Psalms by Warren Wiersbe

Thank you for reading my blog today!  Stay healthy wealthy and wise!

Blessings to all of you!



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