Mindoro Worship and Music Camp

Mindoro Worship and Music CampI was invited by Prasia to join them for a 5 day music and worship camp (July 20-24) sponsored by OMF as a response to a request by the Christian Mangyans to conduct some music training for them. They wanted to have some vocal training and basic instruction on the modern band instruments they are slowly incorporating in their churches. The different language groups represented were the Hanunuo, the Buid, the Tau Buhid, the Alangan , the Iraya and the Tadyawan.  The camp was held at the Mangyan Bible School.

I was tasked by Kuya Daniel to first, teach about the biblical principles of worship, second, to create an awareness and appreciation of their rich cultural heritage, and third, to teach them basic keyboard. We learned together and discovered the different songs they are using in their worship community which were a mix of Christian Tagalog songs heard over the radio, hymns adapted to their own language and original compositions and some with borrowed melodies. I also came to know some of the song writers in the group and encouraged them to continue to write songs for their churches.

Our team found out that the Mangyan believers really love to sing for we can hear them singing non stop even after midnight, every night after the end of our sessions. Among the many things that we think we accomplished aside from giving them basic musical training is their renewed appreciation of their culture. Through our workshop they also learned to be mindful of the other members of their churches:  the kids and especially the old ones.  We made a list of  the songs the old folks love to sing so they can include those songs when they gather for worship. The Iraya believers also made an important decision not to let their language die, for they are now using Tagalog in their community. They readily purchased 10 copies of Iraya New Testament from kuya Ernst and they told us that they will use their language In their worship gatherings in praying, singing and reading the scriptures. 

We also learned a lot from them not only about their culture but also their love for worshiping God through their songs. We were also amazed to know that theTau Buid church made worshiping God together a priority in their community life. Aside from their Sunday worship services, They gather every day to worship God at 6 AM an and then again at 4 PM with an average of 80 people attending these daily gatherings!

At end of the five day training, we gave them a questionnaire to be given to their church leaders so they can discuss the next step they would want us to help them with. While we wait for their response, we continue to pray for them. We are also praying for wisdom and the Holy Spirit's guidance as we wait for the Lord to give as an opportunity to visit, serve and worship with them again!


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