
Showing posts from June, 2013

Signs That You're Vitamin-Deficient

Weird signs that prove you’re vitamin-deficient Hi friends, here is an article from that I would like to share with you so you would now if you are vitamin-deficient.  I also would like to share what I am taking to get my daily nutritional needs. Enjoy reading! :) We live in a world where convenience is a necessity, not considered a luxury. Cell phones are strapped to our wrists, our bank accounts are accessed with a plastic card, and breakfast, lunch and dinner are attainable within a matter of 4-5 minutes via the drive thru. Is it any wonder so many people are diagnosed day after day as vitamin deficient? And we’re not talking about one or two vitamins — the list of common vitamin & mineral deficiencies are sometimes dozens long! But it’s not like our bodies aren’t trying to tell us about it!  “With today’s diet of processed foods, it’s easy to become vitamin-deficient, either by not eating enough of the right foods or not absorbing them properly due

The Benefits of Wisdom

Hi friends and readers of my blog living healthy wealthy and wise!  I would like to share a chapter with you  from the book of Proverbs on the benefits of  living wisely:   The Benefits of Wisdom 2  My child, [ a ]  listen to what I say,      and treasure my commands. 2  Tune your ears to wisdom,      and concentrate on understanding. 3  Cry out for insight,      and ask for understanding. 4  Search for them as you would for silver;      seek them like hidden treasures. 5  Then you will understand what it means to fear the  Lord ,      and you will gain knowledge of God. 6  For the  Lord  grants wisdom!      From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. 7  He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.      He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. 8  He guards the paths of the just      and protects those who are faithful to him. 9  Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair,      and you will find the right way to go. 10  For wisdom will enter yo

GBG 10 in One and Me at the Gym

Last Saturday I was back at the gym.  My personal trainer had a knee injury last month from playing basketball so we stop our personal training sessions.  But I still go at least one to two times a week. I slept late last night but decided to go anyway to the gym after my piano tutorials with two kids in their home.  Before my cardio exercise I took one tablet of GBG 10 in One.  What is amazing is that I felt energized and finished my 30 minute cardiovascular exercise at the cross training machine burning more than 300 calories.  I have two choir rehearsals every Saturday evening but with GBG 10 in One I have more energy to help me carry my hectic schedule that day. Here is an excerpt from the Physician's Product Review File of GBG 10 in One Vitamin and Mineral Formula  Since it quite long I will just focus on the Herbal  Energy portion of the product. Overview of the Product:  GBG’s 10-in-One is a vitamin and mineral preparation with many additional nutritional

Healthy Life in Every Bite!

Hi guys I just would like to share with you the first invitation I got to cover an event after I joined iblog9. June 6 Thursday Polident Denture Adhesive Creme and Denture Cleanser of GlaxoSmithKline Philippines sponsored  the first and largest nationwide senior citizen educational campaign on proper denture wearing called "Healthy Life in Every Bite" It was held at On Stage Theater Greenbelt 1 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.  Dr Richard Nunez, who is an internationally recognized dentist and nutrition expert talked about the unrecognized health issue of adult malnutrition which may start from improper wearing  and care of dentures and poor mouth hygiene.  Dr Nunez reminded everyone to brush their teeth three times a day, use dental floss and mouthwash before going to bed everyday. Mr Randy Silva who is the brand manager enlightened us about the outstanding feature of Polident in giving complete comfort and confidence. Polident denture adhesive cream

My Story

Hi guys! It's a wonderful Friday morning here!!!  Hope you are feeling positive and great today too! :) I just want to share the health benefits I am continually experiencing as I take GBG 10 in  One Super Vitamin and Mineral Formula.  I have been taking supplements as far as I can remember but I have not experienced the benefits I am about to share with you! Before: I used to drive at night wearing my glasses  Now with GBG: I do not wear my glasses when I'm driving at night! Before: I feel so stressed and I lacked the energy and I fee l demotivated  Now with GBG: I feel positive, relaxed and full of vitality! Before: I looked tired and stressed and haggard  Now with GBG: My skin looks great fresh and my face moisturized and free from pimples even if I stay up late at night! Before: My metabolism is slowing down  Now with GBG : My metabolism is up I perspire more and burn fats more and my tummy is shrinking  Want to have these same story and more?  Click to se

The Things I do to Achieve Wellness, Time and Financial Freedom

Hi guys!  It's a great Wednesday Morning!!! I just would like to share some of the things I do to keep myself healthy and wealthy. :) I am posting the links so you will get more information  Health:  I value my health so I supplement my diet with GBG 10 in One  It's a supper vitamin and mineral formula  that has everything you need to keep you energized and  protected with 10 health benefits in one delicious chew-able tablet a day!   Since I started taking GBG 10 in One I have more energy everyday I have a very busy schedule I teach in a college and I do a lot of things outside my teaching time.  My vision also improved I can now drive at night without wearing my glasses.  My resistance against diseases also improved with the erratic weather we now have more people are getting sick but I am protected from the common colds, cough and flu that people around me have.  My metabolism also increased I perspire more and burn more calories everyday!   Please watch t

Reading Psalm 18 As I prepare to go to church

Hi guys! It's Sunday!   This is the day the Lord has made for all of us!  This is a special day  to  pause from all our work and labor. This is the day we can focus our attention on Him.  This is the day we can  worship Him for all He is. And this is day we can  remember all His goodness and blessings to us! As I  prepare my heart to go to church I read Psalm 18 and here is the first two verses the helped my heart to get ready to Praise Him today: A David Song, Which He Sang to God After Being Saved from All His Enemies and from Saul This song summarizes how David felt after God saved him from all his enemies and made him King of Israel I love you,  God —      you make me strong. God  is bedrock under my feet,      the castle in which I live,      my rescuing knight. When David looked back from all his experiences and remembered all what God has done for him:   how God strengthened him,  how he found security under His loving care  and