GBG 10 in One and Me at the Gym

Last Saturday I was back at the gym.  My personal trainer had a knee injury last month from playing basketball so we stop our personal training sessions.  But I still go at least one to two times a week. I slept late last night but decided to go anyway to the gym after my piano tutorials with two kids in their home. 

Before my cardio exercise I took one tablet of GBG 10 in One.  What is amazing is that I felt energized and finished my 30 minute cardiovascular exercise at the cross training machine burning more than 300 calories.  I have two choir rehearsals every Saturday evening but with GBG 10 in One I have more energy to help me carry my hectic schedule that day.

Here is an excerpt from the Physician's Product Review File of GBG 10 in One Vitamin and Mineral Formula  Since it quite long I will just focus on the Herbal  Energy portion of the product.

Overview of the Product: 

GBG’s 10-in-One is a vitamin and mineral preparation with many additional nutritional supplements.

a. This vitamin preparation contains many of the essential vitamins which are expressed as percent of Daily Value (DV) per serving based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

b. Many of the important minerals are contained in the “GBG” preparation. There are two categories of minerals:

i. Bulk or essential minerals called “macro-minerals” such as calcium and

ii. “Trace minerals or micro-minerals” are important. These can include boron,
chromium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium and many others.

c. Herbal Energizer Extract
The energy blend portion contains “adaptogens” such as Schizandra seed extract, Eleutherococcus senticosus root extract (Siberian ginseng).

“Adaptogens” are natural substances found in certain plants and herbs. The adaptogens
help the body achieve increased mental, physical, and work performance*

Dr. Nicholai Lazarev of Russia coined the term “adaptogen” in 1947. Dr. Lazarev was the mentor and teacher of Dr. I.I. Brekhman. Dr. Brekhman and his group in Russia were responsible for the pioneering work on the various “adaptogens” found in plants.

The adaptogens have many important properties:
They are non-toxic.

1) They help increase the body’s mental, physical and work performance.*

2) They increase the ability of the body to achieve balance and maintain overall health 
    and homeostasis.*

3) Fruit blend contains many extracts from fruits that contain antioxidants 
     and many healthy ingredients.

4) Age-Defying/Antioxidant Blend.

5) The ingredients have anti-aging properties with antioxidants and nucleotides.*

6) Trace Minerals

7) The body utilizes over 80 minerals for maximum healthy function.

8) Miscellaneous Ingredients: Whole aloe, choline, Inositol, etc.

9) Toxic Metals
The GBG preparation has been manufactured so the common toxic metals, such as lead, arsenic and
mercury are absent or the levels are far below the toxic range.

This group consists of two “adaptogens” which has been defined above.
The special biological and physiological properties of the adaptogen herbs are:

a) Schizandra chinensis (seed extract).
1. Increases physical and mental work capacity*
2. Speeds recovery following exercise and other physical activities*
3. Produces antioxidant activities against oxygen free radicals which are damaging to body
4. Increases resistance to ordinary stress*

b) Eleutherococcus senteicosus (Acantho root) or Siberian ginseng
1. Increases physical capacity and endurance*
2. Increases attention span*
3. Sustains energy levels during prolonged work periods*
4. Provides resistance to ordinary stress*
5. Enhances the immune system*

c) Rhodiola Rosea (Golden root)

1. Increases work ability*
2. Improves quality of sleep and appetite*
3. Possesses anti-stress action*
4. Helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within normal limits*


d) L-Carnitine is an amino acid synthesized in the liver and kidneys from lysine and methionine. The claims of

biological activities of L-carnitine are:
1. Increases fat metabolism*
2. Helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within normal levels*
3. Is cardio-protective*

e) Glucoranolactone is a naturally occurring metabolite, a carbohydrate produced by the human metabolic system, formed when glucose breaks down and is believed to be helpful in ridding the body of harmful substances and providing an instant energy boost.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

In  my next blog I will continue to share with you the health benefits of GBG 10 in One as I continue to experience them myself  

Here is my website where you can find more info about the company and products of GBG 
You can place your order through my website also:

Thank you friends for visiting my blog. Let's all continue living healthy, wealthy and wise!  God Bless everyone!


  1. Replies
    1. how are you doing Budji I want to share this product and business with you too! Hope to see you soon! :)


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