Reading Psalm 18 As I prepare to go to church

Hi guys!

It's Sunday!  

This is the day the Lord has made for all of us!  This is a special day  to  pause from all our work and labor. This is the day we can focus our attention on Him.  This is the day we can  worship Him for all He is. And this is day we can  remember all His goodness and blessings to us!

As I  prepare my heart to go to church I read Psalm 18 and here is the first two verses the helped my heart to get ready to Praise Him today:

A David Song, Which He Sang to God After Being Saved from All His Enemies and from Saul

This song summarizes how David felt after God saved him from all his enemies and made him King of Israel

I love you, God

    you make me strong.
God is bedrock under my feet,
    the castle in which I live,
    my rescuing knight.

When David looked back from all his experiences and remembered all what God has done for him:  

how God strengthened him, 
how he found security under His loving care 
and how he experienced the many times God saved him from all his enemies like a rescuing knight  

What was David's response:  The first words of his song:  


Today as we go to church let's remember all the the things God did for us for the whole week and even for all the days gone by.  Let's recall how God has sustained us,  how he has blessed us so that we are secured and are now enjoying the blessings we have today. And let's also recall the desperate times that we do not have anyone to run to and we found Him right there, just at the right time we needed Him.

He is our strength, He is our security and He is our Savior!

May we like David respond with all our love to Him. To Him to whom we owe everything!

Have a blessed Sunday Everyone!


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