
Showing posts from May, 2013

iblog9 Day 1

Me, Rei, Vibs and Kath Hi guys! It was  a fun-filled, informative, and exciting day for me as I attended day 1 of the iblog 9th Philippine Blogging Summit.  I was quite happy and was surprised to meet some friends there. I was also  fortunate to meet new ones.  It was really a privilege to be in the midst of successful bloggers and to be able to learn from their experiences as a newbie in this field was a really  quite a feast! Below are the topics and the bloggers who shared their expertise with us. Day 1 AGENDA (May 31) 9:00 to 9:20 Flag ceremony, prayer, participant intro (limited) 9:20 – 9:40  Understanding the Blogger Psyche (Jonel Uy, ) 9:50 to 10:10  Blogging as an effective Content Marketing Tool for Businesses (Ben Francia, ) 10:35 – 10:55  Empowerment in Digital Marketing (Grace Bondad Nicolas, ) 11:05 – 11:25  Working with brands either for your

The Power of One

Hi guys!  I am part of this movement that is about to revolutionize the internet. One person, One voice, One drip, Is all it takes to start a massive RIPPLE!  To join this movement please click on my link below to get your personal invitation and to know more about this movement: You can also send me a message with your full name, email and country were you reside and your mobile number for your exclusive invitation. 

What is True Wealth?

Today I would like to share some insight about wealth. What is wealth? Wealth is defined by Wikipedia  as   "the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions  An individual, community, region or country that possesses an abundance of such possessions or resources is known as wealthy."  While the above definition speaks of wealth in terms of material possession Mahatma Gandhi on the other hand said "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver." And to that too I do agree. Aside from money, material possessions and health, Let me share some more "possessions" we have that  I believe is also part of our net worth: Consider yourself wealthy when you enjoy the company of your love ones, your spouse, your children, your friends, and your pets. This page will not suffice to enumerate the joys they bring to  enrich our lives.  Also consider yourself wealthy when you have the luxury of free time and you hav

My Mom and I at the Voting Center!

Hi guys!  Today May 13, 2013 is a special day for us a  Nation.  This is the day that we will cast our votes and select the leaders of our country:  the senators, party list members, congressmen, mayors, vice mayors and councilors. After taking our lunch at KFC, we headed to Caloocan High School to cast our vote. Here are some pictures as we made our way to our voting center: My Mom at the ground floor of one of the classroom buildings of Caloocan High School where our voting center is located. Here at the fourth floor.  The hallway is crowded with people.... trying to locate their names and their precinct number. We finally located our names and our precinct Here was my mom casting her vote. And here I am showing the indelible ink on my finger nail, proof that I have exercised my right to vote. Let us thank the Lord that generally we had a peaceful and orderly election.  Let us continue to pray as results are now coming in, that the voice of the

A Day with My Mom!

Yesterday Sat, May 11 I spent the whole day with my mom. 9AM   We went to the Philippine Heart Center to pick up our order for her support stockings. My mom has CVI ( Chronic Venous Insufficiency)  She needs the stockings to help  the veins in her legs pump the blood up back to her heart.  So this will  help the swelling of her legs to subside.  I found out from the doctor that assisted us in putting the stockings on my mom's legs, that nurses are also wearing them. I also learned that for the guys those seamen are more prone to this kind of condition, and  so do people who are required to stand for long periods of time like the sales persons in the department stores.  A word of adviceI  got from her:  Move from time to time if your work would require you to stand for long periods of time and also move your legs  if your work requires you to sit down.  This will assist your calf muscles to not solely pump the blood up against the pull of gravity.  While during sleep my mom wa

The Importance of Being Healthy

The Importance of Being Healthy Why is being healthy so important?  We all have heard the familiar saying "Health is wealth." And all of us will agree that this is true.  Beyond avoiding diseases and the discomfort and pain associated with them, pursuing to be healthy is one of the foundations of living a happy and productive life. When we feel that we have tremendous energy, we also find the courage to pursue our dreams and enjoy life. When our body is healthy our mind assume a positive stance.  We see that the world is brighter and see that each day is full of possibilities and opportunities for us.   It is a choice to be healthy.  It takes courage to make the decision to stay fit and acquire healthy habits and live a healthy lifestyle.  I hope that we will all take charge of our own health. On a personal note, My dad died suddenly due to heart attack. Now my mom who is turning 75 this year is suffering from Chronic Venous Insufficiency.  Her legs are sw

Living Healthy Wealthy and Wise

Welcome to my Blog! These are the three important things I am most passionate about life:  health real wealth and wisdom!  I will be posting articles about these three things.  So come often  to check my blog.  I want to share to everyone about how to live life to the fullest and not to waste this great opportunity to be alive today!