What is True Wealth?

Today I would like to share some insight about wealth.

What is wealth?

Wealth is defined by Wikipedia  as  "the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions An individual, community, region or country that possesses an abundance of such possessions or resources is known as wealthy."  While the above definition speaks of wealth in terms of material possession Mahatma Gandhi on the other hand said "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver." And to that too I do agree.

Aside from money, material possessions and health, Let me share some more "possessions" we have that  I believe is also part of our net worth:

Consider yourself wealthy when you enjoy the company of your love ones, your spouse, your children, your friends, and your pets. This page will not suffice to enumerate the joys they bring to  enrich our lives. 

Also consider yourself wealthy when you have the luxury of free time and you have access to modern conveniences. 

35 years experienceAdd  to that the wealth of your life experiences, and your education. 

God Heart (Text converted to image|path) by rygle - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life - John 3:16. Text is free cafecoco font - http://www.lollibomb.com/download/win/cafecoco.zipLast and most valuable of all is  the wealth of being in a relationship with God --  the Source of all riches beyond measure.  He is our true Treasure that will last through eternity. 

A discouraged temple musician penned this song when he was depressed and discouraged because as a Levite he has no land nor earthly possessions to boast of  and cling to and yet he found his true 
                                    riches in God: 

Whom have I in heaven but you?

    And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,

    but God is the strength of my heart

    and my portion (inheritance) forever.

                                                                  Psalm 73:25,26

We know now that our real net worth is more than the money we have.  Our true value lies in the eyes of the One who made us. The God who continues to love us unconditionally. 

For those looking for ways to increase their networth and stay healthy at the same time visit my online home-based opportunity below:

Click the link below for the business presentation:

Please feel free to email me for your questions and for more information.  Thank you and God Bless!


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