The Importance of Being Healthy

The Importance of Being Healthy

Why is being healthy so important?  We all have heard the familiar saying "Health is wealth." And all of us will agree that this is true.  Beyond avoiding diseases and the discomfort and pain associated with them, pursuing to be healthy is one of the foundations of living a happy and productive life.

When we feel that we have tremendous energy, we also find the courage to pursue our dreams and enjoy life. When our body is healthy our mind assume a positive stance.  We see that the world is brighter and see that each day is full of possibilities and opportunities for us.  

It is a choice to be healthy.  It takes courage to make the decision to stay fit and acquire healthy habits and live a healthy lifestyle.  I hope that we will all take charge of our own health.

On a personal note, My dad died suddenly due to heart attack. Now my mom who is turning 75 this year is suffering from Chronic Venous Insufficiency.  Her legs are swollen and walking is very painful .  When my Dad died at 56.  that really opened my eyes about taking charge of my health.  I do not want to die at a young age and suffer from any heart diseases.  So I made that decision to watch what I eat take the right vitamin supplements and have regular exercise at the gym.

 A friend shared to me this illustration:  If you have a very very expensive car you take good care of it by using the right oil taking it for regular repair and maintenance and we use premium gasoline and additives to protect the car's engine; you clean it regularly and spend on expensive waxes etc. right?  But when it comes to taking good care of our body we are stingy!   We owe it to ourselves, to our love ones and to God to take good care of our body.  It is the only one we've got!  We should take a premium in feeding our body with right food and supplements to be fit.

At this point I would just like to share the super vitamin supplement that I have found recently with 10 benefits  Here is the video for you to see and the link where you can also order.  It has given me tremendous energy daily, It protects my heart and strengthens my immune system, it has anti-ageing ingredients and a lot lot more!


Here is where you can order and try and see for yourself that what I say is really true!

This is my passion:  to lead a healthy lifestyle.  This blog will constanly share what I am doing so you can also be inspired to  stay fit through proper nutrition,  exercise etc. So that together we will experience  the benefit of staying fit So we can enjoy life more with our love ones!  Decide to keep fit everyone See you next time I am now off to the gym!


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