My Mom and I at the Voting Center!

Hi guys!  Today May 13, 2013 is a special day for us a  Nation.  This is the day that we will cast our votes and select the leaders of our country:  the senators, party list members, congressmen, mayors, vice mayors and councilors.

After taking our lunch at KFC, we headed to Caloocan High School to cast our vote. Here are some pictures as we made our way to our voting center:

My Mom at the ground floor of one of the classroom buildings of Caloocan High School where our voting center is located.

Here at the fourth floor.  The hallway is crowded with people....

trying to locate their names and their precinct number.

We finally located our names and our precinct

Here was my mom casting her vote.

And here I am showing the indelible ink on my finger nail, proof that I have exercised my right to vote.

Let us thank the Lord that generally we had a peaceful and orderly election.  Let us continue to pray as results are now coming in, that the voice of the people and the will of God will prevail.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  I Timothy 2:1,2


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