A Day with My Mom!

Yesterday Sat, May 11 I spent the whole day with my mom.

9AM  We went to the Philippine Heart Center to pick up our order for her support stockings.
My mom has CVI ( Chronic Venous Insufficiency)  She needs the stockings to help  the veins in her legs pump the blood up back to her heart.  So this will  help the swelling of her legs to subside.  I found out from the doctor that assisted us in putting the stockings on my mom's legs, that nurses are also wearing them. I also learned that for the guys those seamen are more prone to this kind of condition, and  so do people who are required to stand for long periods of time like the sales persons in the department stores.  A word of adviceI  got from her:  Move from time to time if your work would require you to stand for long periods of time and also move your legs  if your work requires you to sit down.  This will assist your calf muscles to not solely pump the blood up against the pull of gravity.  While during sleep my mom was advised to elevate her legs  using pillows.

Lunch time.  We went to Trinoma to have lunch.  We had lunch at North Park. And by 1:25 PM, we are off to the movies.  This is the first time we had the chance to go out after her hospitalization 2 weeks ago.  We watched Iron Man 3.

And here I am while my mom took my picture.

4PM  After the movies we went to Sbarro.

An then we grab our cups of ice cream from Gelatissimo

And today Sunday May 12,  after church I went home with a dozen roses. I kissed and greeted her, Happy mother's day!

This verse sums up the character and beauty of mom:

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."  Proverbs 31:30

To all the moms out there:  Happy Mother's Day!!!


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