iblog9 Day 1

Me, Rei, Vibs and Kath

Hi guys!

It was  a fun-filled, informative, and exciting day for me as I attended day 1 of the iblog 9th Philippine Blogging Summit.  I was quite happy and was surprised to meet some friends there. I was also  fortunate to meet new ones.  It was really a privilege to be in the midst of successful bloggers and to be able to learn from their experiences as a newbie in this field was a really  quite a feast!


Below are the topics and the bloggers who shared their expertise with us.
Day 1 AGENDA (May 31)
9:00 to 9:20 Flag ceremony, prayer, participant intro (limited)
9:20 – 9:40 Understanding the Blogger Psyche
(Jonel Uy, BloggerCircles.com)
9:50 to 10:10 Blogging as an effective Content Marketing Tool for Businesses
(Ben Francia, http://www.benfrancia.com)

10:35 – 10:55 Empowerment in Digital Marketing
(Grace Bondad Nicolas, www.empoweredgrace.blogspot.com)
11:05 – 11:25 Working with brands either for your business or advocacy, and even both
(Jeoffrey Solas, www.liberatingjepoy.com)
11:35 to 11:55 Sponsor Talk: Sun iMessenger: blog marketing case study
(Louie Oviedo, President & CEO of Greetings Unlimited Inc.)

1:05 – 1:25 How to Get the Influencers Write About Your Startup
(Jonha Revesencio, http://ijustdid.org)
1:35 – 1:55 Bloggers and political organizations – the road to 2016
(Mark Pere Madrona, rightonthemark.wordpress.com)
2:05 – 2:25 Fighting corruption online and offline
(Angel Bombarda, www.bantay.ph)
2:35 to 2:55 Income & Opportunities through Blogging
(Khoa Bui, www.secretsentrepreneur.com)

3:20 to 3:40 Bloggers as Digital Influencers
(Janette Toral, DigitalFilipino.co

Looking forward to day 2  :)


  1. Replies
    1. thank you mam Janette for visiting my blog and for making iBlog 9 possible. This is my first iBlog summit and looking forward to iblog10. I hope I can consult you often as I continue my blog and start my online business connected with blogging. Thank you again and God bless! :)


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